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Rose State College provides opportunities for students to get a head start on college by earning college credit while they are still in high school. High school juniors and seniors who meet policy requirements can participate in concurrent enrollment. These concurrent programs help high school students meet high school requirements and can give them an advantage when competing for scholarships and admission to four-year universities. Successful completion of college course work demonstrates that students are capable of the academic rigor college demands. Each high school senior who meets the eligibility requirements for concurrent enrollment shall be entitled to receive a tuition waiver equivalent to the amount of resident tuition for a maximum of 18 hours for the academic year. High school juniors who meet the eligibility requirements for concurrent enrollment shall be entitled to receive a tuition waiver equivalent to the amount of resident tuition for a maximum of 9 hours for the academic year. Students are responsible for the books and fees portion of payment.
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment classes are college level classes offered to high school students for both high school and college credit. Dual enrollment students are enrolled for classes at both the high school and the college. While students earn high school credit, they also earn college credit, therefore reducing duplicated classes. Rose State College credits are recorded on a permanent college record and transcript. High schools are responsible for recording high school credits.
Course Offerings
Concurrent students have several options for taking courses. Students may attend courses offered on the Rose State College campus, online, and courses offered off the Rose State College campus on the high school campus or via Interactive Television (ITV). Concurrent students may not enroll in remedial (zero-level) course work offered by Rose State College designed to remove high school deficiencies.
Rose State and Broken Arrow Public Schools
Rose State College and Broken Arrow Public Schools (BAPS) have established a partnership that allows high school students completing the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) curriculum to earn college credits at RSC. This collaboration is aimed at enhancing educational opportunities and opening new career pathways in aviation for students in Broken Arrow.
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Concurrent Enrollment Guidelines
Admissions Requirements
To be admitted as a concurrently enrolled student at Rose State College you must be able to satisfy all 15 curricular requirements for graduation no later than the spring semester of your senior year and meet one of the requirements listed below:
Accredited High School Juniors and Seniors
- The SAT score is 990
- The PSAT score is 990
- GPA is 3.0
- National ACT is 19
All concurrent students must complete an online application, submit a concurrent enrollment form and official transcript to the Academic Outreach Office in the Learning Resources Center in Room 204. A high school student may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college workload of 19 semester credit hours. For purposes of calculating workload, one-half high
school unit shall be equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work.
Also, concurrent students may not enroll in remedial (zero-level) course work offered by colleges and universities designed to remove high school deficiencies.
Home Study or Unaccredited High School Juniors and Seniors
Homeschooled students and students from unaccredited high schools shall have completed enough high school course work to be equivalent to an individual who is classified as a junior or senior at an accredited high school and meet the applicable criterion below.
- The SAT score is 990
- The PSAT score is 990
- GPA is 3.0
- National ACT is 19
Course Placement for All Concurrent Students
At minimum, concurrent students shall demonstrate college readiness in a particular subject area to be eligible to enroll in a college-level course in the corresponding subject area. A high school student not demonstrating college readiness in science reasoning, mathematics or English will not be permitted enrollment in the corresponding college subject area. A student who is unable to demonstrate college readiness in reading will not be permitted enrollment in any other collegiate course (outside the subjects of science, mathematics and English). Concurrent enrollment students are prohibited from enrolling in any form of developmental education, including any configuration in which developmental education is embedded within a
credit-bearing course. A concurrent student will be eligible to enroll based on the criteria detailed in the PDF chart below.
Chart (PDF)
Curriculum Requirements
- 4 units English (Grammar, Composition Literature)
- 3 units Math (Algebra 1 or above)
- 3 units History and Citizenship (including 1 unit of American History and 2 units from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, and/or non-western culture)
- 3 units Lab Science (as certified by the school district)
- 2 units Other (any of the above or Computer Science, Foreign Language)
Course Load
Transitioning from high school to college is a major step in a student’s education.
It is critical that students realize and comply with the demands of college coursework to ensure a positive impact of concurrent enrollment on their permanent transcripts.
Therefore, students and parents are required to sign and submit the Concurrent College Application for High School Concurrent Enrollment. A high school student may enroll in a combine number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college workload of 19 semester credit hours. For purposes of calculating workload, one-half high school unit/credit shall be equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work.
Concurrent students must maintain a 2.0 college cumulative grade-point average or above on a 4.0 scale.
- Complete the On-line application at
- Application for Concurrent Enrollments signed by Student, Parent, High School Counselor
- Official High School Transcript
- ACT or SAT Scores (copy of scores are acceptable)
- Concurrent Enrollment Student Contract – (Students will sign in the Academic Outreach Office)